Afriek believes that your uniqueness is your superpower.
For some of you, fitting in is impossible and hiding your differences isn’t an option. Where society rejects your uniqueness, some of you find the strength to stand out.
You are our heroes.
We admire your courage to shine no matter what and we are grateful because you lead the way to a society where everyone can be themselves.
It’s time for all of us to embrace what makes us different and hold space for each other so we can truly thrive together.
Our Difference is Our Power.
With this campaign we want to manifest a world where we are all equally valuable - where there is space for all of us to shine exactly as we are, holding space for everyone’s uniqueness.
We would love to inspire a movement around truly owning our differences and the magic that we can create together, when we appreciate one another for our differences. We invite you to share what “our difference is our power” means to you and how it shows up in your life.
Change starts from within - if we can learn to appreciate our own differences, then we can learn to appreciate each others’ too. It is from here that we collectively bring about that world we want to live in.
10% of the proceeds of the t-shirts will go to grass-roots organizations that fight against racism and discrimination, starting in the Netherlands.*